Milestone Sessions


Milestone sessions are baby only sessions we photograph at some exciting points in their first year! Some photographers choose to do them based solely on month timelines, and another prefer to wait until your little is doing something new! I offer two different types of first year packages, the more traditional 3/6/9/12 months and the more modern roller/sitter/ cake smash. Neither one is wrong, and both are equally cute!

3-4 Months/ Roller Session

The first milestone session is photographed at either 3 months, or when your little is starting to push up onto arms/ elbows and rolling! The reason we like to wait is to get more variety in your photos! Under 3 months, especially if your little was born early at all, your little will really only be laying on their back, and may not even have good enough sight to smile/ look at us!

In these sessions I love to capture them both laying down and pushing up onto elbows/hands. If we have our session further into the fourth month, sometimes we can sit them up in little props, but I tend to wait until the 6 month session for that (again, for variety and to make each session different!).

6 Months/ Sitter Session

Sitter sessions are the sessions we traditionally think of as “milestone sessions”. Sitter sessions best capture babies sitting independently, but before they’re pulling to walk or crawl. Typically this is between months 6-7 depending on your own little one’s abilities. I always have some flexibility to move your session later if needed to ensure your baby is sitting solo.

While I do have outfits for the younger 3 month crowd, the bulk of my client closet is for sitters and up to one year! Waiting until your little can sit independently will let us do SO many fun things! I love putting sitters in cute bowls/baskets and buckets, especially if they need just a little bit of support.

9 Month Sessions

9 Month sessions are some of the more difficult sessions to capture, sometimes their stranger danger has just kicked in, and they know how to crawl to mama! I love getting 9 month olds to stand up, holding onto chairs and ladders, and sometimes we get those super cute stare down pictures.

12 Months/ Cake Smash

ONE YEAR OLDS! Seriously, is there anything better? Full of personality and smiles, one year old sessions are definitely a favorite of mine. I love doing just a simple milestone session, and sometimes will incorporate a simple banner to make it more festive!

Cake Smashes celebrate your little’s first birthday with an in-studio party! We do a few more traditional portraits, then we bring on the CAKE! After we’re all messy from the cake, your little one gets to splash around in a tub and it’s probably the most fun studio session I do!


If you think Milestones are just a first year thing, you’re wrong! I do them for my own kiddos every year and I have lots of clients that do the same! Capturing your little in a session at 2/3/4 and beyond is a great way to see their personality shine! Let them pick their backdrop, or outfit or theme and let’s see what their amazing imaginations come up with!

Celebrating your little one’s first year milestones can be so fun (and bittersweet), and I promise to be with you every step! From choosing outfits, planning backdrops and picking the cutest cake smash theme for your little, I’m your girl!

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All Images Copyright Tara Fay Photography

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