TWINS! What an honor to capture these two little bundles in their first few weeks here Earthside. Twin sessions are so much fun, and planning for these two was no different.
Logan and Jackson came to the studio at a little under 3 weeks old, and I had so many fun fall and boy set ups planned out. We started with a few of them both individually and together on my posing table with a perfect neutral backdrop, and even got them both sleeping side by side!

After the cutest table posing, we wrapped them both up and even got to accessorise with some bonnets! I love using similar but different colors with twins to keep the session unique to each baby. I added some fall props and colors to make this twin session all about the season they were born in. I love adding these little details that you can look back on and remember the time like it was yesterday!

In my Cedarburg studio, I have props specially designed for twins, including this cute side by side basket! I actually got images of both twins separately and photoshopped the images where they’re both in the bucket. Skills like these are critical for twin sessions.

When it comes to twin newborn sessions, its especially important to plan early! I love to hire an assistant to help me with your babies and to make our session run smoothly, besides making sure I have two of everything in the color scheme you’re hoping for!

If you’re currently expecting twins (or just one baby!) start thinking about planning your session now! You can check out this blog post on what to expect at your newborn session, and check out more of my newborn work here. I can’t wait to meet all of the little ones in the next upcoming year!