Boost Your Recovery with Placenta Encapsulation In Milwaukee


In the natural birth world, placenta encapsulation has become all the rage, and it’s no wonder why. Your placenta is rich in vitamins and minerals that can seriously help your body as it works to recover from the hard work of labor. Moms who take the capsules report more energy, decreased appearances of mood disorders, and increased milk supply. If you want to experience these benefits, it’s important to find a center that will use the utmost safety during production to prevent cross-contamination. With these Milwaukee placenta encapsulation specialists, you can have capsules you can trust. 

Take Care Of Your Changed Body With Placenta Encapsulation In Milwaukee

Deeply Rooted Birth

2864 S Waukesha Rd, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53227

Deeply Rooted Birth was founded by Katy Skarlatos, a midwife who is passionate about the natural process of birth. She offers evidence-based care and will be there to support you through every step of your labor and delivery. Katy uses the Traditional Chinese Method, steaming your placenta over a water bath with lemon, ginger, and other herbs. In Milwaukee, Katy uses the procedures and standards laid out by the State of Wisconsin to ensure your placenta encapsulation is not only beneficial but also 100% safe. She will take care of pickup and delivery and will have the finished capsules back to you within 72 hours.                                                         

Birth in Color Midwifery

N63 W23217 Main Street, Suite 201, Sussex, Wisconsin 53089

Birth in Color Midwifery is a practice that strives to bring equality to the birth world. The center works to eliminate discrimination and injustice with its unbiased providers. They get to know all their clients so they can help them create the birth plan that’s right for them. For the past 10 years, the center has been providing Milwaukee parents with placenta encapsulation services. If you choose to use them, they will work with you ahead of time and educate you on the process so you can understand all the benefits. They will ensure you are an appropriate match for this option. 

Sacred Waters Midwifery

Sacred Waters Midwifery is a center opened by Latasha Brown. Latasha loves finding brand new ways to support families, whether she’s providing you with exceptional prenatal care or leading childbirth education courses that will make you feel completely ready for your delivery. For her placenta encapsulation services, she starts out by thoroughly cleaning the placenta before dehydrating and grinding it. She offers several options, including tinctures, keepsake prints and umbilical cord preservation, and capsules. Latasha also gives you the ability to create a package with all the services. She will take care of pickup and delivery. 

You Will Love The Benefits Of Placenta Encapsulation In Milwaukee

With placenta encapsulation in Milwaukee, you can have all the benefits of your placenta in an easy-to-swallow capsule. Check out these centers today to book your services. 

While you’re getting ready for your delivery, make sure you’re thinking about pictures! I adore working with parents across the area to give them gorgeous portraits so they can hold onto this stage forever. I would love to have a conversation with you and tell you all about my sessions so you can decide if I’m the photographer for you. Contact me today so we can get the conversation started!

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All Images Copyright Tara Fay Photography

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